
Exclusive Whitelist Opportunities

Vinland has access to the top nft projects and hosts some of the best whitelist raffles within the NFT community. Alongside these whitelist opportunities, we provide a custom whitelist tracker to help you keep track of the numerous whitelists you receive as a Vinland member.


Curated Alpha & Web 3 News

Vinland features carefully curated alpha channels dedicated to sharing the latest industry news, project updates, and upcoming releases. Alongside these channels members will also get access to exclusive project reviews to help you make informed decisions in a ever changing market.

Live Trades

Easy To Follow Live Trades

Follow live trading calls from our exclusive algorithmic crypto & stock trading bots. Members will have access to our $ETH and $BTC trading bots as well as bots for companies Tesla, Google, Nvidia, and many more.


Networking, Education & Tools

Broaden your network by joining a group of experienced Web3 community members. Gain discounted access to Analytics, NFT/Crypto News, NFT Botting tools, and Crypto & Stock Trading algorithmic Discord bots. Educate yourself on everything from succeeding in gas wars to nft trading, as well as gain exclusive access to @ryandcrypto's private bi-weekly videos and portfolio.

  • NFT Analytics
  • NFT Botting
  • Algo Crypto Trading
  • Algo Stock Trading
  • NFT & Crypto News

Membership rewards

Rewards Vault
Vinland rewards our members by offering weekly loot box openings. Every week you can open a loot box which will contain a random amount of $VINLAND* credits in them. You can use these credits to buy things from our Vault - we offer things like a full free month of membership or a random mystery NFT.

Get Access

If you are interested in joining fellow web3 enthusiasts
click on the link below to apply for Vinland membership.